Author: mikel heathson
Generally, in the field of health, what we don't understand we are likely to reject. Acupuncture, holistic medicine, natural medication, natural healing, and herbal medicines are a number of them. Our reasoning is that if something can't be defined by scientific methods, it can't be correct.
To many people, health implies that nothing is really acute, for a few others it equals not getting any worse, and for others it is the visit to the doctor yearly to get the all clear. Mostly, it seldom means no health troubles. That's why...
Generally, in the field of health, what we don't understand we are likely to reject. Acupuncture, holistic medicine, natural medication, natural healing, and herbal medicines are a number of them. Our reasoning is that if something can't be defined by scientific methods, it can't be correct.
To many people, health implies that nothing is really acute, for a few others it equals not getting any worse, and for others it is the visit to the doctor yearly to get the all clear. Mostly, it seldom means no health troubles. That's why...