Friday, September 21, 2012

Natural Health Ways Using Herbal Medicine and Natural Healing

Author: mikel heathson
Generally, in the field of health, what we don't understand we are likely to reject. Acupuncture, holistic medicine, natural medication, natural healing, and herbal medicines are a number of them. Our reasoning is that if something can't be defined by scientific methods, it can't be correct.

To many people, health implies that nothing is really acute, for a few others it equals not getting any worse, and for others it is the visit to the doctor yearly to get the all clear. Mostly, it seldom means no health troubles. That's why...

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Natural Health Care For Your Arthritis

Author: Gregory Wadel
Joints with arthritis may have: swelling, warmth, redness or pain. Joint pain, stiffness, tenderness, and swelling are the most prominent signs of the disease. In addition, many patients experience fatigue, weight loss, and a condition called crepitus -- a cracking sound that is also called popping joints.

Joints affected by arthritis are already under strain. If you are overweight or obese, the extra load on your joints may be exacerbating your symptoms, especially if ...

Monday, September 3, 2012

Homeopathic Medicine Centre – Helps in best Natural Health

Author: George Jhon
For over thousands of years our ancestors are working and researching hard to find remedy for disorders in body through natural means. They are mainly focused on extracts of plants and herbs. With such extensive work only, a natural science has been evolved in the form of homeopathy. It uses natural substance as its remedy which can generate symptoms in an ill individual to treat symptoms in his body. It works on...